. This was my first time at an expo of it's kind. Even more different from the
a few months ago, this one was raw foods, essential oils and spiritual and holistic healers.
When our booth was slow, I took some time to shop around to check out all the happenings and this is what I found...
Our booth was located between Divine Therapy Massage and a Quantum Healer named
. Both booths had pretty consistent activity so I decided to check them out first. I had never heard of a quantum healer so I had to see what all the fuss was about.
Mas Sajady has had two near death experiences and re-emerged with believed healing capabilities. My booth mate worked with him first. She said that he shared somethings that no one could have known. I would follow her and give quantum healing a try.
I stood in front of Mr. Sajady and closed my eyes as he put his hands on my back. My body began to move. He placed his hands on different parts of my back and shoulders. I swayed, led by the direction of his hands (so I thought) forward, backwards, sideways... it was weird but relaxing. At one point I contorted in such a way that I felt I was going to fall over backwards. That's when he whispered that he was not moving me but it was I who was actually choosing which direction to go... Don't know why I wanted to do a back bend, but ok. Needless to say I put my foot down and pretty much closed up after that.
Without giving too much of my reading, he said a few things that led me to believe that if he was picking up anything, he was really channelling my daughter's energy. The last thing he said was that things would change as he pretty much reset my rhythm. I'll have to keep you posted on that one.
Good Juju
Across from us was Patricia Robb, showcasing her apparel line,
Good Juju. Very cute yoga/sports gear and accessories featuring the symbol that represents the law of attraction. There was a cute black hoodie that I was hoping to pick up but she was out of my size.
I tried on the small, it was extremely comfortable and I didn't want to take it off, but my "tatas" are just way too big to go the "small" route. I will just have to attract a medium Good Juju black hoodie in my future ;-)
Divine Massage Therapy
My next stop was Divine Therapy. Dexton Cummings aka Quote King has quite a following. Every time I turned around there was a different body on his table. One extremely satisfied client stopped by our booth for a snack after her session, calling him "Golden Hands". Well, of course I had to see what Mr. Golden Hands was all about. We chatted a bit before I decided to put my body in his hands. He prepped the massage table and smoked himself with sage as we spoke.
I appreciated the
sage cleaning, as I have always known sage to be good for clearing away negative energy. And coming into contact with so many strangers... God only knows what they could be letting go over during therapy.
Dextin shared that the secret of his success is giving his client's bodies
what they need. Instead of giving you an hour of a Reiki or deep tissue, Dextin's goal is to find the source of the stress and work it out using a variety of techniques.
Well, what the Quote King didn't know is that I was giving him a challenge. I have a hamstring issue that I have been dealing with for the past two years and I had to see if he could handle it. Handle it he did! By the time he was done with me, I was so relaxed and stretched, you could probably bend me into a pretzel without batting an eye! Absolutely A-mazing and yes, I will be back for more! It was by far the best massage therapy I have ever experienced! Truly Divine.
Me, Mr. Golden Hands and Rita at the Power Crunch Booth |
If you would like to experience the hands of
Dexton Cummings, he does treatments at
75 Wall Street in NYC and the
Complete Body and Spa in the Flatiron District. You can contact him directly at
Dvinetherapy@gmail.com or by calling
Ion Cell Cleansing
My next stop was over to Ion Cell Cleanse. It is a detox foot bath designed to purify and balance your blood cells by drawing the impurities out of your body through your feet. It is suppositely done through osmosis. The
ionater is placed in the bath with a little salt which releases ions into the water and into your body. This is supposed to energize your cells which allow your body to release toxins, oils, acids, fats, heavy metals and other cellular debris that have stored in your body.
Close up of the Ionator |
On day 3 before the expo opened I sat in the foot bath for about a half hour. The water started out warm and clean but by the end was disgustingly dirty and smelled like metal. I wanted to pull my feet out before it concluded. It was gross!
The kicker is... this is crap that my body supposedly released! Based on the the colors and smells emitted, the demonstrator was able to give me a chart highlighting what was drawn out of my body.
A couple of findings led me to question the accuracy. Oily substance in water seems to suggest toxins from high cholesterol, which with my nutrition regimen and recent blood work is highly unlikely. But I did put sesame oil on my body when I got out of the shower that morning. I asked, "how much of the residue can be from what is on my skin?" The demonstrator insisted that it was from the inside of my body and not from the oil I put on. He says that this is pulling the debris from all my cells that has been in my body for years. Well, I haven't always been into clean eats...I guess it could be possible. But I would be less skeptical if my feet were rinsed before hand.
With further discussion it was also made clear that the water would change colors a bit without a person in the bath because some rust is made from the metal in the water. Hmmm... is that why the water smelled like metal? How much would the water change if you just let it run on its on for a half hour?
I asked to conduct a test. We set up a station with just the ionizer and water and let it run. As you can see, the water does start to change colors. But unfortunately I was unable to see how dark it wold get because when I went back to my booth, it was accidentally dumped and never started again. So was it BS? You decide. There was a video that was shown at the booth that is supposed to be cells in the body before and after use but unless my doctor draws my blood and I see him make the slide the day before and the day after, it could just be a parlor trick. Interesting to check out none the least.
Power Plates
My next stop was the
Power Plates booth. "I soooooooo llllllooooooveee tttthhhhheeesssssseeeee!" Power plates are like a full body vibrator. It's a Russian technology and is supposed to stimulate fast-twitch muscles and adds in muscle endurance and overall agility. I experienced my first at Vision Sports Club. I actually used it to help me stretch deeper. The vibration seemed to mask any pain from the stretching. It feels really good...during and after.
Psychic Readings
I decided to give a couple of more readings a try. I fell in love with Eileen Jenna, the wife of the world re-knowned psychic healer,
Vincent Jenna. She stopped by our booth and I immediately felt a connection with her. I found her to be a very happy and vibrant spirit, which is what I gravitate to. We shared a few stories and I decided if I was going to sit with anyone, it had to be her husband. I won't go into details but I enjoyed my time with Vincent and found it to be helpful.
I also sat with
Tammy Adams, who I was immediately skeptical of. Maybe I was tapping into my intuitive side. One of the other vendors raved that she was the "real deal" but I couldn't take his word for it.
From the beginning I felt like we were doing a remake of "Ghost" starring Tammy as
Oda Mae Brown. She started the reading with a presence from this guy who wouldn't stop talking to her and at some point disclosed himself as my husband from a past life. She said that he was disappointed that we did not connect in this lifetime and that it was supposed to happen somewhere in Florida but he has passed now from an accident. Very weird... especially since I am married to my soulmate.
Whoppi Goldberg as Oda Mae Brown |
Tammy then went on and on about some woman that passed, which also made absolutely no sense to me. I don't know if her psychic intuition showed her that I wasn't buying her act but she stopped and asked if I had any questions for her. I asked her one general question and then it seemed as though her channelling shifted.
She became very direct and specific. Specific enough to even draw out a map. That part was interesting. Unless she knows where I live and has actually been to the area, I don't know how she could have figured that one. She even gave a letter of a street name. Does it lead to my pot of gold? You'll just have to wait to see.
It was a very interesting weekend. At the end of the day, we all need something to believe in... Quantum Healers, Witch Doctors, Religion. I say if it helps you find your higher purpose and keeps your mind at peace, I am all for it. But more than anything you should believe in yourself. I believe in YOU.
I Truly Believe in You!!!